The Brotherhood

How To Hire

Guild Rules (Unstoned)

Guild Rules (Stoned)


Message Board


The Stone

Members Only




  Guild Coat of Arms


Membership in The Brotherhood of Blood is something we don't take lightly. We pride ourselves on being not only role players but role players of exceptional quality *Adds GM mark*.

We are above the petty squabbles associated with PvP combat in game.  To keep this standard we must implement a few basic rules. Above all  just use your head,  think and act like an assassin would. 

1.  You must currently belong to a  Role Playing guild on the Catskills Shard of UO. (preferably one warring with other guilds)

2. Above all you must follow the rules of  your home guild. You are still on their stone and must abide by their rules. 

3. If we have a rule in place that is more strict than one of your guild rules our rule takes precedence if you are acting in the Brotherhood's behalf.

4.   If you die while doing a hit, get resurrected, grab your stuff and get out. There is no reason to be sitting around talking after a mission. If for some reason you are looted, just leave the area. The brotherhood will replace your items within reason. 

5. Absolutely NO looting. You are not a thief, you are getting paid to do a hit and then get out of the area without getting caught. There will be the occasional exception when you will be looting a plot item. You will be personally advised when this exception is in place.

6. We operate as an actual guild. We will not tolerate any free lance work done by our members. Assassination jobs will be offered to you by "The Voice". If for some reason you are approached to do a job by someone other than a superior you must immediately contact "The Voice" to get authorization. One third of what you are offered must be paid to the guild.

7. You must be able to role play, and stay in character at ALL TIMES. No Out of Character Speech will be tolerated outside the party system.

8. You must posses some form of assassination skill at an acceptable level. For example: Poisoning, Hiding, Stealth, Tinkering (Traps), Stealing (Disguise Kits),  and be able to employ them with a reasonable level of fighting skill. Any one of the above skills would be enough to warrant membership.  Other skills or lack thereof  will be considered on a case by case basis.

9. Known problem players will not be considered. (see rule 7)

10. You must be willing, and able to keep guild matters confidential. certain items of jewelry and, or clothing will be employed  as a secret guild uniform.  You will also learn who certain guild members are. These matters would take much of the fun out of the game if they become common knowledge.

11. You must be willing to except the following provision. You can  kill as an assassin only when directed by The Voice. Killing outside the directives of the guild will call for immediate review, and possible dismissal by the guild. Anyone ejected from the guild claiming to still be a member will be hunted by the guild.  Ejected member's names will be circulated widely through the shard to protect the guild.


Still Interested? Want to Join? Contact The Voice Via ICQ #26144234. Type "assassin" and your request when prompted for authorization.